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Course curriculum

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    CHAPTER #1 - Introduction: lines between curves (90 min)

    • Introduction to the Rhino Python editor

    • Bringing objects from Rhino to Python

    • Functions in Rhino Python: dividing a curve

    • The for Loop. The range() function

    • Conditionals. The module operator

    • Defining a Lofting surface

    • What have we learned?

    • Exploring the algorithm

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    Chapter #2 - Lists in Rhino Python (20 min)

    • Basic concepts about lists in Python

    • More concepts about lists

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    Chapter #3 - Functions. Python Component in Grasshopper (60 min)

    • Creating functions in Rhino Python

    • A functions exercise

    • Calling a function

    • Functions exercise 2. Deleating objects

    • Python Component in Grasshopper. Inputs and Outputs

    • Python Component in Grasshopper. Typehint

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    Chapter #4 - Vectors in Rhino Python (25 min)

    • Vectors definition in Rhino Python

    • Adding and subtracting vectors

    • Unit vectors. Scaling vectors

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    Chapter #5 - Random module (40 min)

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    Chapter # 6 - Random Growth (20 min)

    • Algorithm for the random growth

    • Exploring the algorithm

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    Chapter #7 - Bridge (40 min)

    • How to construct the bridge

    • Constructing the base of the bridge

    • Constructing the side pipes

    • Constructing the top structure

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    Chapter #8 - Attractors (55 min)

    • The algorithm of a droplet

    • Multiple ripples

    • Point attractor

    • Curve attractor: a tinted glass

    • Exploring the algorithm

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    Chapter #9 - Fractals structures (50 min)

    • How to define a fractal tree

    • Exploring the algorithm

    • Fractal support structure

    • Exploring the algorithm

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    • Survey

    • Invoicing data

    • and SEE YOU SOON!