Main Information

The course is divided in two parts: PART I ON-line, 225 hours and 6 UNITS (followed on-line through live sessions) PART II DIGITAL FABRICATION ON-site / On-line 125 hours and 4 UNITS (at Controlmad, or if you can´t, available On-line)

Who is it for?

Aimed to professionals and students from the world of architecture, industrial / car / product / structural / engineering design.... and anyone interested in learning and using of parametric tools

Course schedule

Lectures are taken in the afternoon from Monday to Thursday. Live sessions and tutor support PART I | 4 pm – 8 pm (Madrid, GMT +2) Lectures and tutor support PART II | 3,30 pm – 8,30 pm (Madrid, GMT +2)


PART I - ON-line: 2300 eur (VAT included) / FULL COURSE (PART I ON-line and PART II ON-site / ON-line): 3500 euro (VAT included) Early bird registration available only for first spots!!